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The Judical Branch

For the Federal level there is an acronym to remember. The acronym is S.A.D it stands for Supreme court, Appellate court and District court.

The Supreme Court has 9 members on it and is the highest court in the land. They only what cases they want to. The Courts purpose is to interpret national laws and determine whether they are unconstitutional. The justices are nominated by the president and appointed by the senate. They are chosen by their political leanings, chances of being approved by the senate and things like age and gender.

There are 12 appeals courts in the united states each having 3 judges. The courts do not give an innocent or guilty verdict. They determine whether a trail in a district court had an error. A trail is set up like a debate where each side’s lawyer gets an hour to present their case. There is no jury or witnesses.

There are 91 district courts in the country. The district courts are the only federal courts that hold trials. They hear trials like a regular court would with a defendant, witnesses, a jury and a judge.

Some Famous supreme court cases are

Miranda V Arizona: established Miranda rights

Marbury V Madison: Gave supreme court power to rule laws unconstitutional or not

Roe V Wade: ruled abortion legal

Citizens United V F E C: Ruled the first amendment covers donations by corporations and unions to an unlimited degree.

Judical Branch 

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